Quality and Sustainibility




If you want to be at the forefront tomorrow, you have to set the course today. We did it.

Consistent quality management – for a a matter of course.

Through regular internal audits, we monitor, analyse and optimise our processes - and ensure a high standard of quality. In the area of environmental protection, we focus on sustainable concepts and optimise these to such an extent that every braking distance is reduced by a millimetre. Our innovative strength drives us to react professionally to future challenges and to always be one step ahead.


Completely digital. Always up to date. Everything at a glance.

Management means keeping an overview. And we have this through our SIMS. The Seifert Integrated Management System. Whether these are customer requirements, legal or site-specific conditions - we document everything along the reveal chain.

KPIs, shop-floor management and CIP - we constantly evaluate defined processes and identify potential for improvement. Internal and external independent audits check the effectiveness of the processes and uncover potential.

Quality assurance

We always think a millimetre ahead – and act before something happens. That is the Seifert quality standard.

We've given it a name: proactive risk management. We're already looking at the processes of tomorrow – with possible stumbling blocks in mind and the right solutions prepared. Personnel, systems, services – we attune ourselves fully to you. Including in error analysis: Ishikawa, 6M method, pairwise comparison, 5 whys. We are ready.

Fully tested

We live the Seifert quality standard. Uncompromising, honest and adapted to you. That's why our processes are certified and monitored in regular internal and external audits.
VDA 6.2
We are experts. Including in the automotive industry. Our service is oriented to the product lifecycle, always customer-focussed and compliant with the standards of VDA 6.2.

PDF > Bitterfeld-Wolfen

IATF 16949
IATF 16949: Another update to ISO 9001. Our quality management systems meet the requirements of the car industry.

ISO 14001
We don't just talk about it – our dedication goes well beyond the environmental requirements in law. We measure our environmental policies and unwavering commitment against standard 14001.

We take responsibility in handling packaged food and non-food products. Tested according to international standards. Whether in transport or storage - transparency along the entire supply chain.


PDF > Zorbau-Lützen

Exemplary in terms of legally secure transport logistics. The certificate of FUMO Solutions GmbH proofs this.


PDF > Ulm

Reliable and trustworthy. A globally recognised status and published in the European Commission Directory. As an authorised economic operator, we fulfil customs simplifications and guarantee security standards along the international supply chain.

Seifert Logistics GmbH – AEOF

Seifert Automotive Logistics GmbH – AEOF

Seifert Logistik Dienstleistung GmbH – AEOF 
Storage. Handling. Transport. We are prepared for the specific safety and quality requirements of the chemicals industry.

No risks dealing with food – we can guarantee that. We meet your requirements and are HACCP-certified.

PDF > Myslowice

ISO 50001
Energy management with a system. Introduced, operated and continuously improved according to ISO 50001.

PDF > Ulm

PDF > Hambach

DIN EN 16247-1
We systematically review our energy use and use it as a basis for improving our energy efficiency. Transparent according to the requirements of the energy audit DIN EN 16247-1


PDF > Ulm

ISO 45001
The health and safety of our employees is very important to us.
For this reason, we comply with the standards of DIN ISO 45001 for work safety and health management systems.

PDF > Ulm

PDF > Mysłowice

PDF > Jawor


TISAX® Assessment Scope
Trust through security: Our TISAX certification underlines our commitment to the responsible handling of confidential information.


PDF > Ulm

PDF > Bremen

PDF > Bielsko-Biala



Sustainable at all levels - for us, this doesn't just mean maximising profits. It is about the long-term stability of our group of companies and ensuring security for our employees.

This is why we proactively invest in innovative and sustainable concepts.



A responsible approach of natural resources. In doing so, we minimise our environmental impact, reduce our ecological footprint and integrate environmentally friendly processes.
For us, this means reducing greenhouse gas emissions, utilising renewable energies and reducing waste.


Social issues
Social trends not only shape us as a company, but also our employees, customers and suppliers. Fair working conditions, promoting diversity, inclusion in the workplace and supporting local communities are a matter of course for us. At the same time, we implement ethnic standards in relation to our products and services along the supply chain.

Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

Mitarbeiter bei der Überprüfung und Sicherstellung der Qualitätsregulierungen

Our contribution to climate protection - We are part of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

We have set ourselves targets to reduce our emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. The SBTi is a global initiative that supports companies in setting scientifically based targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

In this way, we are shaping a sustainable future - actively and measurably!


Looking to the future

We work with the future in mind. Always looking ahead. And sustainably as a result. Our statement is the SLGECO. Our own method for continual improvement.
Vehicle fleet
We make use of new technologies and innovative drive types. This reduces our emissions in terms of fuel and pollutants – and improves our ecological tyre print.
Renewable energies and sustainable building technology: our own photovoltaic systems make this possible. Every detail counts when choosing our buildings. This applies in every area, whether power, heating or water.
Trust is good. Control is better. We scrutinise ourselves every day. And guarantee our promise through internal audits and certified processes.
Transport planning
Structured transports – that is our thing. We optimise our routes with telematics. We also ensure sustainable capacity utilisation thanks to combined transports.
HR development
Our employees are our greatest assets. Sustainability is no empty word at the Seifert Logistics Group. We create working conditions for long-term health and continual personal development.
We invest. In research, development and sustainable innovations. We want to do our bit: for our and your future.

We work with the future in mind. Always looking ahead. And sustainably as a result. Our statement is the SLGECO. Our own method for continual improvement.

We make use of new technologies and innovative drive types. This reduces our emissions in terms of fuel and pollutants – and improves our ecological tyre print.

Renewable energies and sustainable building technology: our own photovoltaic systems make this possible. Every detail counts when choosing our buildings. This applies in every area, whether power, heating or water.

Trust is good. Control is better. We scrutinise ourselves every day. And guarantee our promise through internal audits and certified processes.

Structured transports – that is our thing. We optimise our routes with telematics. We also ensure sustainable capacity utilisation thanks to combined transports.

Our employees are our greatest assets. Sustainability is no empty word at the Seifert Logistics Group. We create working conditions for long-term health and continual personal development.

We invest. In research, development and sustainable innovations. We want to do our bit: for our and your future.

Sustainable reporting

The balance between economic, environmental and social aspects is our guiding line.
The triple bottom line serves as the ideal basis for our sustainability strategy.
Our sustainability documentation links the principles, values, processes and goals of the three main dimensions.
Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains
Rules of procedure for complaints in accordance with the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains